Welcome to the Harvest To Order User Guide

This user guide is designed to help you get the most out of the Harvest To Order platform to support the operation of local food enterprises and “local food chains” wherever you live.

An overview

The Harvest To Order enables local people to build better, fairer ways to source their food locally and directly from growers, farmers and producers. Expansive networks of small food producers, distributors, retailers, food hubs, food co-ops and buying groups can come together with the aid of the Harvest To Order to find the best way of shortening the food supply chain. And in the process it helps to build strong communities.

The Harvest To Order is a global project that supports the operational organisation of farmers, groups of consumers, cooperatives, etc. in the distribution of local food. The software we build is open source, and we collaborate with amazing people from all over the world to keep improving it! We also provide support in the organisational aspects of setting up and running a food hub.

How to use this guide?

> Quick setup guides tailored to your enterprise

Starting scratch, open an online shop that perfectly fits your needs in a few simple steps!

We recommend these guides to users starting out on the Harvest To Order platform for the first time.

> Features to meet your needs

Find a detailed explanation of every feature our platform offers, so you can set up your Harvest To Order enterprise to specifically meet your local needs.

We recommend these guides to users who would like to customise their Harvest To Order enterprise specifically to meet the needs of their business or customers.

They are also a great resource for answering any questions you may have.

> Guidelines on complementary software you might like to use in combination with the Harvest To Order

The Harvest To Order does a lot of things, but no one tool can fit all needs. We have listed some needs for which you might need complementary software, and how you can set them up to work hand in hand with your Harvest To Order platform.

> Trouble shooting

Still not finding what you need ? Check the Trouble Shooting section to see if others had the same questions as you!

Looking for information on something specific? Use the search bar in the top left corner to find the information you need.


Any difficulty with that user guide? Any information missing? Or maybe you want to share some features you would like to see in the future? Get in touch with your Harvest To Order support team for any feedback!

Our Deepest Thanks TO Open Food Netowrk

This guide is released publicly under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 so they can be used by anyone for commercial or non-commercial use. We would like to thank Open Food Network For the Development of the software and releasing these resources.

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